Monday, July 15, 2024

What is an Extreme Solar Particle Event?


Recent studies have shown that “extreme solar particle events,” which are very rare but can have big effects on Earth, could be dangerous. Protons are thrown out into space by the sun in these events, which happen about once every thousand years. The most recent one was recorded in 993 AD. When they reach Earth, they pose a major threat.

Understanding Extreme Solar Particle Events

When the sun sends many protons into space, this is called an extreme solar particle event or a solar storm. These solar events are stronger and could damage Earth more than regular solar flares.

Potential Human Health Risks

Getting more UV rays can be very bad for your health. Due to a hole in the ozone layer, experts Alan Cooper and Pavle Arsenovic say that higher UV levels make skin cancer and other DNA damage more likely. Depending on how bad the solar event was and the state of Earth’s magnetic field, these conditions may last for a long time, which could make the effects worse.

Long-Term Effects and Global Impact

The research shows that if a very strong solar particle event happens when Earth’s magnetic field is weak, the effects could be very bad and last a long time. UV exposure could increase by up to 25%, and DNA damage caused by the sun could 
increase by 50%. These effects could last for up to six years.

Who conducted the study on the impact of these events?

Alan Cooper from Charles Sturt University and Pavle Arsenovic from the University of Natural Resources and Life Science (BOKU) did the new study. By studying these solar events and their effects, scientists keep stressing how important it is to keep an eye on solar activity to effectively protect the world from possible dangers.

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